Ketosis is Easy with BHB

Ketosis is Easy with BHB

Finding out how to start the keto diet, the basics of the keto diet, easy ways to achieve ketosis, and keto rules have been hot topics for discussion the last couple of years. One thing that many people seem to agree on: starting the keto diet can be pretty difficult, and even harm your lifestyle, but entering ketosis has incredible benefits for your body.

If only there were a way to make achieving and maintaining ketosis easier than ever before…

Well, the explosion of research into ketosis over the past few years has yielded some incredible knowledge that scientists are putting to excellent use in newly formulated best supplements for weight loss.

To find out which supplements are the best for achieving ketosis and kickstarting your metabolism, let’s dive in to learn about how ketosis really works, and how you can work with your body to give it what it needs, without the struggles of deprivation and the infamous “keto flu.”

What is Ketosis?

The main focus of most people when they’re researching keto rules is finding out how to keto diet so they can achieve ketosis for weight loss. But ketosis does so much more for your body than helping the fat melt off. It’s a natural process that supplements weight loss as well as cognitive function and overall health and longevity.

How do you Achieve Ketosis?

The most common way to achieve ketosis is through a ketogenic or ketonic diet. This is a low-carb, high-fat diet plan that helps to control hunger and improve metabolism that burns fat.

The reduction in carbs in your body is what helps you enter ketosis. The diet is similar to the Atkins diet, but even more carefully tailored to kickstart unique processes in the body. When your body doesn’t have carbs to convert into energy, it will turn to fat in your liver. The fat is turned into ketones, which serve as an alternative source of energy. When you’ve achieved the point of burning fat instead of carbs for energy, you’ll notice a significant reduction in your blood sugar and insulin levels.

You can enter ketosis through careful dieting (ketonic diet) or fasting. Intermittent fasting has gained popularity over the past few years. The basics of keto diet are pretty simple: make sure you get plenty of fat, little to no carbs, and an appropriate amount of protein for your body mass. Once you have the basics of keto rules and design what the ketosis diet plan is that best works for you, you can play around with the different ways to imbibe the nutrients you need.

But, like many things, figuring out how to start the keto diet, and actually following through, is easier said than done. It’s an extremely different diet and lifestyle than represented by the SAD (Standard American Diet), which is why some of the best supplements for weight loss are specifically tailored to help you achieve ketosis more easily.

What are the Benefits of Ketosis? 

People who comfortably achieve ketosis benefit from weight loss and blood sugar regulation, which can be therapeutic for people with diabetes. But the benefits of the ketonic diet go far beyond weight loss

High-fat, low carb diets have actually been used for over a hundred years to help people regulate their epilepsy, in some cases eliminating the need for pharmaceutical intervention altogether. In the 1960’s and beyond, ketosis has also been utilized as a treatment for obesity. 

In the last twenty years or so, evidence has shown a variety of other therapeutic benefits to the keto diet, including acne, cancer, neurological diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and the “amelioration of cardiovascular and respiratory risk factors.”  

Achieving ketosis won’t just help you live a healthier life, it can also help you live a longer life. BHB, a metabolite produced during ketosis, directly impacts the aging process by making cells less vulnerable to oxidative stress

Put simply, ketosis has a plethora of benefits for your body and your mind that can help you to stay healthier and sharper for longer.

Can Supplements Help with Ketosis?

With all of those benefits, finding out what is the ketosis diet plan and figuring out how to make it work for you should be a no-brainer, right?

There’s just one problem. Because keto diets are restrictive and wildly different from the way that most Americans have been eating for all of their life, it can be very difficult to maintain a strict regimen, leading to yo-yo dieting. Yo-yo dieting is not just bad for your morale, but also bad for your body. It’s extremely important to find sustainable, healthy ways to consume nutrients that won’t have you craving a giant binge. 

That’s why some of the best supplements for weight loss actually can help you achieve ketosis more easily, by providing one of the end-product metabolites from ketosis.

BHB: The Ketosis Super-Booster

Whether you’re hoping to achieve ketosis for weight loss or for the many other benefits it provides, sometimes just knowing the basics of keto diets is not enough. Making a dramatic diet transition can be really hard for your body to adjust to, and it can be mentally draining when you fail to stick to the plan you’ve made.

That’s why the recent advances in ketosis research and development is so exciting. Now, through carefully designed supplements, you’ll be able to ease your body’s transition into ketosis, and more easily maintain it. 

Your best bet is to supplement your keto diet with BHB, a metabolite that your body naturally produces during ketosis.

What is BHB?

BHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate) is a metabolite that carries energy from white fat cells to peripheral tissues when there is no glucose to burn for energy. This leads to burning fat for energy, the part of the ketosis process that helps with weight loss. 

BHB does more for your body than just supplement weight loss. It also helps your brain and nerves work better by virtue of being a more stable energy resource.

BHB is also an inhibitor of histone deacetylases (HDACs). HDAC inhibitors can work as anticancer agents and also to treat cognitive impairments that result in a wide variety of disorders, including Parkinson’s, anxiety and mood disorders, Huntington’s disease by helping to increase synaptic plasticity. HDACs are also shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and to modulate the immune system.

Basically, BHB is an under-the-radar health superhero. It occurs naturally during strict adherence to a ketonic diet, but also is being developed and made available in certain premium supplements.

How Does BHB Boost Ketosis? 

Not only is BHB the result of careful dieting, it’s becoming more widely available as an easy-to-take supplement that can help you reach ketosis and adhere to a keto diet more quickly. 

Exogenous ketones (the name for ketones introduced to the body externally) have been shown to help reach ketosis more quickly. It works naturally with your body to reach and maintain ketosis for weight loss. Consuming BHB in a supplemental form can also help curb carbohydrate cravings, making it easier to stick with your ketosis diet plan and goals.

Supplemental BHB can also help to relieve symptoms from the infamous keto flu, which include:

  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Weakness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Dizziness
  • Stomach pain
  • Muscle soreness and cramps
  • Sugar cravings
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Poor concentration

Avoiding drastic carb cravings and the symptoms of the keto flu is how to start the keto diet in a way that will be easier and more sustainable for most people. 

Benefits of BHB Supplement for Achieving Ketosis

While we know that achieving ketosis is extremely beneficial to the human body, getting there is not necessarily easy. The SAD (standard American diet) is laden with carbs and processed ingredients that make it hard to kick cravings and stay on track with a new diet. Keto flu symptoms can also feel debilitating. 

Together, the cravings and keto flu symptoms can make it easier to fall off the wagon than stay on track. Sometimes, sticking with the basics of the keto diet can feel like an impossible goal.

That’s why supplemental BHB is so important, and so beneficial for anyone who wants to tap into the power of ketosis. Whether you’re new to keto or have been practicing the diet or fasting for years, BHB can make it so much easier to achieve and maintain ketosis.

First of all, exogenous ketones can directly suppress appetite, making it that much easier to stick to your plans and refrain from being tempted by the carb-laden goodies that surround you. They can also help to offset the energy drag that comes from switching your internal power source from glucose to white fat cells.

The best thing about exogenous ketones is that they’re beneficial even if you’re not strict with your keto diet. A recent survey has shown that supplementing your body with exogenous ketones can help with fitness, cognition, performance, weight management both with and without dietary restriction.

Long story short, a great BHB supplement will provide myriad health benefits in an easy, safe, and natural way.

The Best BHB Supplement for Ketosis

Whether you’re learning how to keto diet for the first time, an old hand at ketosis, or just want to introduce the benefits of BHB into your system without restricting yourself, our BHB Keto Support is designed to quickly deliver active, effective ketones in an easy-to-take formula. Our premium proprietary blend stimulates metabolic function to optimize healthy body tone, natural ketogenesis, and nutritional response.

Learn more about the best keto supplement available online.

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