Best Men’s Skincare Routine for Combination Skin Anti-Aging and Blemishes

Best Men’s Skincare Routine for Combination Skin Anti-Aging and Blemishes

Combination skin can be the bane of your existence, or it can be something you barely notice. It all comes down to how you take care of your skin.

If you want to have healthy, good-looking skin for the rest of your life, it’s time to graduate from bar soap and crossing your fingers, to building an easy skincare routine that gives your skin what you crave. 

There’s no need to have a dozen skincare products crowding your counter and confusing you. With a simple, no-nonsense routine, you can turn your dreaded combination skin into a fresh, protected, balanced face, ready to show to the world!

What is Combination Skin?

Instead of having naturally oily or dry skin, combination skin is just what it sounds like– a combination of both. It can be frustrating to deal with combination skin because while some products could be good for the dry parts, they overwhelm the oily parts, and vice versa.

Signs of Combination Skin 

Generally, the oily parts of your skin tend to be your nose, T-zone, chin, and jawline, while the dry parts are around your eyes and cheeks. It’s an unfortunate combination that if not properly cared for, could lead to wrinkles and blemishes.

What Causes Combination Skin? 

Like most skin types, combination skin is caused by a variety of factors, including age, genetics, pore size, climate, and current skincare routine. You’ll notice that most of those factors are out of your control– as much as we’d love to control our pore size, we’re pretty much stuck working with what we have.

What Happens to Untreated Combination Skin in Men

Untreated combination skin, to put it lightly, can turn into a mess. That’s because while excess sebum production in your oily parts is causing blemishes, the dryness around your dry areas can be causing wrinkles. No grown man wants to look like an aged teenager who doesn’t know how to take care of themselves!

How to Take Care of Combination Skin

Because so many factors contributing to combination skin are out of our control, it’s crucial to focus on what we can do to make sure our combination skin isn’t putting our worst face out there. That means making a real effort on giving your skin the nourishment it needs, while keeping it clean and balanced.

Men’s Skincare Routine for Combination Skin

If you have combination skin, especially in your 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond, you need to find a men’s skincare routine that works for you and for your kin. Now, sometimes when guys hear the words “skincare routine,” they think of a counter crowded with various lotions and potions that will take hours out of their lives.

Luckily, there have been incredible scientific advances in skincare, so you can have a skincare routine that is easy and effective at the same time.

Men’s Skincare Goals for Combination Skin

Before you build any skincare routine, you should think about your goals. Are you wanting to reverse damage, balance your skin for less blemishes, or lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles?

Maybe you’re looking for a men’s skincare routine that does it all!

Don’t worry– you can have your cake and eat it, too. There’s a quick, easy way to treat your combination skin right, getting the results you’re looking for without the hassle.

Best Men’s Skincare Routine for Cleansing

The best men’s skincare routine for combination skin will start with the best cleansing routine. When it comes to combination skin (or really any skin type), you want to find a cleansing routine that removes impurities without destroying your skin’s pH balance or drying it out too much.

Oil Cleanser for Men’s Combination Skin

While it may sound counterintuitive, an oil cleanser is actually perfect for combination skin. You may be wary of putting more oil on already-oily parts of your face, like your t-zone, but it’s a surprisingly effective way to remove impurities and unclog your pores while keeping your skin nourished.

The reason this is important is that when you excessively dry out your skin, your sebaceous glands could be triggered, producing more oil than ever before to make up for the dryness. It’s a recipe for clogged pores and blemishes that could easily be avoided with the right cleanser.

The Seven Cells Perfect 10 Oil Cleanser is a fantastic option for men with combination skin. It removes impurities without stripping your dermal layer, leaving your skin clean, refreshed, and nourished.

Best Exfoliator for Men’s Combination Skin 


#Exfoliate away impurities & reveal baby soft skin with our revolutionary #exfoliating cream. No microplastics! #facescrub #facecosmetics #skincare

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In addition to a great cleanser, a critical part of your cleansing routine is regular exfoliating. You’ll have to play around to find the correct frequency for you and your skin, but typically should aim for exfoliating 2-3 times a week.

Exfoliators are notorious for being one of the men’s skincare products that strip skin and leave it dry and irritated, which is especially bad for combination skin.

The Seven Cells Exfoliating Face Scrub is in a class of its own. Instead of using microplastics that harm your face and our planet, it uses sodium bicarbonate as a natural, gentle exfoliator that leaves your skin refreshed, not raw. Paced with hydrating ingredients to ensure balance, this exfoliator is easy to use and perfect for combination skin.

Best Men’s Skincare Moisturizers

While the oily parts of your face may tempt you to skip or skimp on moisturizer, it’s a critical part of keeping your dermal layer balanced and happy, to prevent excess sebum production and to maintain elasticity as you age.

You’ll want to add moisture to your whole face, especially with humectants to keep the moisture coming all day long.

Moisturizer for Men’s Combination Skin

A great moisturizer for men’s combination skin is one that is non-comedogenic, meaning that it won’t clog your pores. You should also look for moisturizers that have natural, skin-friendly ingredients that help your skin maintain balance.

The Seven Cells Hydrating Moisturizer is perfect for men with combination skin. It contains powerhouse moisturizing ingredients, along with vitamins and botanicals that help treat while you hydrate. Simply apply a thin layer all over your cleansed skin. It absorbs quickly and leaves your skin feeling hydrated but not oily, even in your problem areas.

Eye Gel for Men’s Combination Skin

One of the biggest downfalls of combination skin is the area around your eyes. They are notoriously dry, and as you get older, the minimal natural hydration and skin cell turnover that occurs around your eyes begins to slow down even more.

Common issues include wrinkles, dark circles, puffiness, and irritation.

Lucky, there’s a simple, no-fuss way to give your eye area some love, while maintaining balance in the rest of your combination skin. The Seven Cells Cucumber Eye Gel is stacked with nourishing botanicals and vitamins that will leave the usually-dry skin under your eyes feeling soft, supple, lighter, and with a decreased appearance of wrinkles.

Best Ingredients for Men’s Combination Skin

Taking care of your skin is all about finding the right ingredients that complement the benefits of having combination skin, while minimizing the problems. The best men’s skincare brands aren’t the ones with the flashiest ads, but the ones who put honest work in, to source and utilize the best ingredients.

One of the biggest up-and-coming best men’s skincare ingredients is already included in a couple of the products listed above, but if you really want to reap the benefits, a concentrated treatment could really help.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C– it’s not just for your orange juice! Vitamin C applied topically has fantastic benefits for your skin, including balance, moisture retention, and protection against damage from free radicals, oxidants, and sun damage.

Vitamin C is especially beneficial to men with combination skin, because when skin is nourished and protected, it’s less likely to produce wonky amounts of oil, and it’s better able to retain moisture and balance throughout the day, helping improve overall skin elasticity.

The Seven Cells CC Vitamin C Serum is a no-nonsense dose of this skin-protecting powerhouse. Just a thin layer acts as armor for your skin, and helps your skin go from patchy and oily to balanced.

Best Skincare Routine for Men

The best men’s skincare brands are the ones who source the most premium ingredients, and provide a simple, no-nonsense way to optimize your dermal health.

The Seven Cells Skincare line is designed for men with combination skin to build a sustainable, lasting routine, that will have them looking and feeling better than ever.

If you treat your skin well, it will serve you well throughout your life!

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