Best Supplements for Men

Best Supplements for Men
Build and Maintain your Masculine Power

When you’re in your teens and twenties, it can feel like you’re invincible. Lighting-fast metabolism, careless, fear-free, and having fun. But once you start putting on the years, your lifestyle catches up to you.

At Seven Cells, we believe that getting older means getting wiser– but it doesn’t have to mean giving up on the fun and life you love. Instead of working hard to maintain your vitality, you can work smart, through the use of premium supplements designed to give your natural masculinity the boost it could use as you continue to grow and optimize your life into your 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond.

You can easily and effectively preserve your mind and body through the smart use of supplements. Finding out what is collagen good for, what testosterone levels mean for you, and why keto is much more than a diet fad will give you the information you need to design a sustainable health protocol for yourself.

Give Your Testosterone a Boost

First, let’s talk testosterone. It’s an essential hormone for men. Women have testosterone also, but in much smaller amounts. Testosterone plays an important role in male development, and after adulthood, continues to loom large in a man’s life.

Physically, testosterone is responsible for controlling sex drive, energy levels, muscular tissue development, blood cell and sperm production, and strength-building. Mentally, testosterone contributes to neural effects like making you feel more masculine, assertive, and confident.

Your testosterone level can vary over time, due to a variety of factors.

How Testosterone Works in Your Body

Testosterone begins its work in the fetal stage. After 6 weeks, testosterone begins to initiate male characteristics in the fetus, including testicular development. It also converts into DHT (dihydrotestosterone) which induces other secondary male characteristics in fetal and adolescent development. (Learn about the link between DHT and male pattern baldness here.)

Other than its crucial roles in male development, testosterone has a lifelong role to play for men, even once past developmental stages. Normal testosterone levels tend to drop with age. As testosterone levels drop, a variety of linked symptoms follow.

Common Low Testosterone Symptoms in a Man

Testosterone levels tend to be lower prior to puberty, when they spike, then level out to normal testosterone levels until around the third decade of life, when testosterone levels peak and then slowly decline.

While it’s normal to have some decline in testosterone levels as you age, low T, or a testosterone deficiency, can negatively impact your life.

Common low testosterone symptoms in a man include:

Mood disorders like depression, anxiety, poor quality of life, and sexual dysfunction

Common Risk Factors and Causes of Low Testosterone

Age isn’t the only thing that can be detrimental to your testosterone levels. Other risk factors and causes of low testosterone include: 

  • Being overweight or obese– linked to a reduction in total testosterone
  • Diabetes– men with type 2 diabetes more likely to suffer from low t
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Rapid weight loss, especially from restrictive dieting
  • Testicular injury or infection
  • Internal organ damage
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Anabolic steroid abuse
  • Aging
  • Other medical conditions– such as HIV/AIDS, sarcoidosis, Klinefelter

How to Boost Testosterone

If you want to make sure you’re maintaining your vitality and empowering your natural masculinity at any age, you may want to consider intervention at any low testosterone signs manifesting for you.

One option is to go see a physician and discuss prescription medical intervention to help you achieve normal testosterone levels again. Alternatively, you could try a premium supplement that is designed to help boost testosterone and fight against signs of low t.

Testosterone Support Complex by Seven Cells is a male performance supplement that helps you maintain your stamina, drive, libido, and energy by giving your testosterone a supportive, natural boost. 

The botanicals and key testosterone-boosting ingredients include L-Arginine HCI, saw palmetto fruit, horny goat weed, eurycoma longfolia, and muria puama bard, expertly compounded for an easy and effective revitalizing experience.

Maintain Collagen as You Age

What is collagen and what does it have to do with maintaining yourself as you age? Long story short, collagen is what helps hold your body together, and collagen levels tend to naturally decline with age. But just because it declines naturally doesn’t mean it can’t be replaced!

What is Collagen’s Role in Your Body?

Collagen is found throughout your body, in connective tissues, cartilage, bones, eyes, and blood vessels. It’s not an exaggeration to say that collagen is what is holding your body together!

Collagen is the most common protein among all animals, which is why the majority of collagen supplements are animal-derived. In fact, collagen makes up one third of your body’s total protein.

You can incorporate collagen into your diet by seeking out foods that naturally contain collagen derived from animal sources. Gelatin is one of those foods, as well as bone broth, animal proteins, and beans, which contain amino acids that aid in collagen production.

Collagen is critical to healthy skin. In fact, it is said to be the determining factor of skin physiology. Collagen maintains the skin structure through water retention and through its own natural structure, which is like a rope with three strands, forming fibrils of exceptional strength.

Collagen is also an important factor in bone strength, the capillaries of nails, and maintaining and strengthening your hair. Basically, collagen is one of your body’s most important building blocks.

Causes for Collagen Decline

Age is one of the biggest factors in determining collagen decline. Adults, on average, tend to produce 1% less collagen in their skin each year after they turn 20.

Other factors that can contribute to collagen decline include irradiation like from sun exposure, stress-related nutrient deficiencies, consumption of a non-balanced diet, and smoking.

Collagen can be thought of as the glue holding your body together, and as production declines and/or collagen gets damaged, we can develop wrinkles and saggy skin. Not only that, collagen deficiencies can manifest in basically every aspect of our bodies, from our bones to our hair, since collagen is what our body uses as building blocks for healthy connective tissues.

How to Boost Collagen

Since collagen decline can be hard on you and your body, you may be looking for examples of what is collagen-based foods that could help you build your collagen levels back up. However, unless you plan on a steady gelatin diet while somehow maintaining other essential nutrient intake, you might want to consider supplementing a healthy lifestyle with a natural collagen-booster.

The Seven Cells Collagen Peptides Powder is an easy and extremely effective way to give your collagen your body needs to be its healthiest. It’s flavorless and gluten-free, so you can easily incorporate it into your morning routine by mixing 1-2 scoops of powder into a beverage of your choice.

It’s easier than ever to maintain collagen with this premium supplement, which includes 5 different types of collagen for maximum effect.

Optimize your Body and Mind for Longevity With Ketosis

Ketosis is a great way to maintain your body and mind, especially as you age out of your indestructible twenties.

Ketosis is a natural process that supplements weight loss as well as cognitive function and overall health and longevity. (Read more about ketosis here.)

How Ketosis Works in Your Body

When you eliminate carbs as an energy source for your body, it will convert fat from your liver into ketones, which in turn power your body and mind instead of glucose, the usual energy source.

Ketosis has many benefits, like weight loss, helping to regulate epilepsy, acne, cancer neurological diseases PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and helping to ameliorate respiratory and cardiovascular risk factors.

How to Achieve Ketosis

The easiest way to achieve ketosis is not through fasting or dieting alone. It helps to have a super-optimized, ketosis kickstarter that includes BHB.

BHB is a metabolite that is naturally generated by a strict keto diet, but specially formulated BHB supplements can give you the benefits without the struggle.

The Seven Cells BHB Keto Support supplement is designed to make keto easier for beginners, and even more effective than ever for experts. By introducing an essential ketosis metabolite, you can boost results and make it that much easier to achieve and maintain ketosis.

Naturally Optimized Masculinity on Demand

The Seven Cells mission is to help people put their health in their own hands, where it belongs. This means we make all sorts of health modalities available, from prescription medicines to premium supplements to highest-quality skincare and hair-strengthening super-serums

Our supplements are designed to naturally work with your body for optimal results, and to help you be the best you can be.

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