Erectile Dysfunction Can Be Bad for Your Heart

Erectile Dysfunction Can Be Bad for Your Heart

Erectile dysfunction is more than a disappointing performance from your male sexual organs. It’s a disheartening experience that can not only be affecting you psychologically and emotionally, but also can be an indicator of poor health in other areas of your body.

One big problem with ED is how taboo and confusing it can be to talk about. While some men wonder does erectile dysfunction cause premature ejaculation, others are wondering if their ED will prevent them from ejaculating ever again. It’s easy to get lost in discussions of whether Viagra™ or Cialis™ is the miracle ED drug you need, or if there’s something to the “chemical of love” that people have been talking about lately.

At Seven Cells, we believe knowledge is power, and learning can help you take care of not only your ED, but learn how your overall health is affected by it.

Common Causes of ED

First of all, suffering from ED can make men feel very alone, but the opposite is true. As many as 30 million men struggle with ED, for a variety of reasons. Physiologically, it can happen due to nerve damage or restricted blood flow to the male sexual organs.

Some risk factors for ED include:

  • Being over age 50
  • High blood sugar (diabetes)
  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • High cholesterol
  • Smoking
  • Excess drug and alcohol usage
  • Obesity
  • Lack of exercise

Suffering from ED can have cascading negative effects for a man, including low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and stress on his relationship with a partner.

Psychological Factors in ED

Not only can ED cause psychological downsides for men, the opposite can be true. Men suffering from certain psychological conditions can find it difficult to achieve and maintain an erection. 

The trigger can vary from man to man, but any combination of the following are psychological factors that can make it more likely that your physical performance is not there when you need it to be:

  • Depression 
  • Anxiety 
  • Relationship conflicts
  • Worry about sex performance
  • stress from home
  • Stress from work 
  • Religious, cultural, or societal conflicts

A huge problem with psychological causes of ED is that they can snowball. For example, if performance anxiety is commonly causing ED, every time you struggle with ED, the anxiety can get worse, making it that much harder the next time to help your brain and body generate the chemical of love you need for a fulfilling sexual experience.

Physiological Factors in ED

The physiological factors in ED can be a little easier to wrap your head around, but can also vary, making it difficult at times to target which type of Viagra™ generic, Cialis™, or other ED medication is right for you.

For example, diabetes can cause small vessel disease or nerve damage to the penis, which can make achieving erections extremely difficult. Diabetes is not the only culprit, though. A variety of physical factors can impact correct functioning of your male sexual organs.

However, the physiological causes lead to a few particular effects that prevent achievement and maintenance of an erection. 

For example, there could be a lack of blood flow into the penis. The penis becoming engorged with blood is how an erection is achieved, so anything that hinders blood flow could also stop an erection in its tracks.

It could also be non-diabetes related nerve damage where nerve signals do not reach the penis, so it doesn’t have the sensitivity required to become aroused.

Finally, even if your penis has the required sensitivity and blood flow in, some physiological factors can prevent the penis from trapping the blood in the penis to maintain erection causing you to lose it.

ED and Cardiovascular Health

Suffering from ED is not just bad for the sexual part of your life– it can be an indicator of bigger health problems, especially cardiovascular issues.

Put simply, what’s good for your sexual health tends to be good for your heart health.

In fact, ED can be caused by cardiovascular trouble that otherwise flies under the radar. This is because poor heart health can lead to poor blood flow, which is necessary to achieve and maintain erections. ED has also been linked to hardening arteries.

Connection Between ED and Heart Health

The connection between ED and heart health has strengthened as more research is conducted. Over half of men who had bypass surgery and almost ⅔ of men who have been hospitalized for heart attack have suffered from ED.

If a man has ED, he has a higher risk of heart disease, and ED affects 1 in 10 men on a long-term basis. Suffering from ED can be an indicator that you need your heart checked.

It’s not just about getting older, either. ED doesn’t have to be a part of your aging process. Getting older may mean more stimulation to achieve erection, but erection and sexual enjoyment remain possible.

ED Drugs and Heart Health

ED drugs like Viagra™ or Cialis™ have been connected to heart health since the very beginning. Sildenafil (Viagra™ generic) began as a treatment for heart disease. It didn’t work exactly as researchers hoped, but did help men achieve erections. The rest was history.

Cialis™ has also been known to have heart benefits, including increasing blood flow, and reducing inflammation that can cause arterial plaque buildup. Reducing inflammation and arterial plaque is key to preventing major cardiovascular events and strokes caused by clots.

Have a Heart About ED

Speaking of matters of the heart, there is something that ED medications like Viagra™ or Cialis™ don’t do: work directly on the psychological aspect of ED. Those ED drugs are focused mainly on blood flow and physical stimulation.

The physical ability to get and maintain an erection can lead to psychological benefits like increased confidence and self-esteem. However, there is a movement for using the love hormone in males to help begin with the psychological processes of arousal, along with the physical processes. The chemical of love can help take your ED medication to the next level.

From ED to Dr. Feelgood

The love chemical, or oxytocin, is not just for feeling lovey-dovey while going for long walks on the beach. It can also help you to psychologically and physically fight against ED.

Oxytocin the “Love Chemical” and ED

Oxytocin has been nicknamed “the love hormone” for the positive, loving feelings it engenders.It’s connected to serotonin and dopamine, which are chemically responsible for feelings of happiness and positivity.

Researchers are beginning to widen their view and discover that incorporating oxytocin for ED can help supplement the physical effects of other ED medicines. Unlike the largely cardiovascular and muscular focus of other medicines for ED, oxytocin can have a proerectile effect on the central nerve system, targeting ED from another front.

Oxytocin is also closely connected to orgasm. A burst of oxytocin is naturally released upon ejaculation, which stimulates contractions that help sperm release. It also mediates ejaculation, post-ejaculatory tumescence, and the post-orgasm refractory period.

Dopamine and ED

Oxytocin isn’t the only “happy” hormone that can have a positive effect on erectile dysfunction. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that works in anticipation of pleasure or reward, lending motivation to fulfill your desires. 

As such, it’s an essential part of libido, by helping to motivate you to have sex. Not only does it help libido, but also helps erections via your nervous system by sending signals from your brain to your penis that it’s time to get hard.

Don’t Let You and your Heart Suffer from ED Any Longer

If you’re looking to stop your ED and reclaim a healthy, robust sex life, you should know that the choices for ED drugs now range futher beyond just “Viagra™ or Cialis™”. There’s an incredible, compounded ED medication that utilizes the love hormones in males, to help stimulate libido and arousal during sex.

Rev by Seven Cells is the next evolution in cutting edge ED medication. After the success of Seven Cells Seven Minutes, which is a compounded and highly effective combination of Viagra™ and Cialis™, Rev starts with a similar compound of Cialis™ and Viagra™, and then takes it to the next level.

Rev by Seven Cells not only incorporates oxytocin for ed, but also has apomorphine. Apomorphine is a dopamine agonist, which means that it increases dopamine in the system. The dopamine helps with libido and increases feelings of pleasure.

Apomorphine also activates nerves carrying erectogenic signals. Like oxytocin, it helps the nervous system to work toward an erection. The nerve stimulation response from dopamine is different from the vascular response of Cialis™ and Viagra™, but they can work in combination to be even more effective together. 

Rev is more than revolutionary. It’s the perfect way to get revved up and ready for the best sex of your life. Through a carefully designed compound that combines the love hormones in males with proven ED drugs like Viagra™ and Cialis™, your erections will be easier to get, maintain, and last for th ultimate sexual experience.

Find more about Rev here.

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