Women Deserve Great Sex: Here’s How

Women Deserve Great Sex: Here’s How

Libido refers to your appetite for sex, and it’s not just helpful in the bedroom. For most women, good sex is also a very important aspect of your overall quality of life.

It’s not just that women’s sexual health feels neglected in the scientific and media discourse– it is. While men’s sexual dysfunction has been a large focus for the medical establishment, female sexual dysfunction has been under studied.

The lack of attention is not because low libido and dryness are not huge problems. They are. Up to 1 in 3 women between the ages of 30 and 59 experience what they perceive as low libido.

That’s millions of women having a dissatisfying sex life, and wondering how to boost female libido. Unfortunately, the discussion often takes the tenor of an old-fashioned sitcom, implying that women simply aren’t interested in sex at all, or don’t have sex with their husbands because they’re punishing them in some way. This perspective is so damaging, and can make women feel like they’re alone, and that there’s something wrong with them if they suffer from low libido.

At Seven Cells, we’re here to say that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you for suffering from a low libido. What would be wrong is to give up on yourself, and live an under fulfilled life. Instead, we encourage you to learn about how libido works, and more importantly, how to increase female libido instantly. It’s not only possible, it’s easy once you know what will work best for you.

How Does Female Libido Work? 

Female impotency can arise from a variety of psychological and physiological factors. To learn about sexual desire and libido boosters, let’s begin with learning about how libido typically functions.

Spontaneous vs. Responsive Desire

A helpful tool for understanding female libido is to break down the differences between spontaneous and responsive desire. First, it’s important to understand the difference between desire and arousal. Desire usually refers to the emotional craving for sex, while arousal refers to the physiological changes that happen when you’re sexually excited, like increased sensitivity and lubrication.

Spontaneous desire is what happens when sexual desire is triggered within you, with no apparent external stimulus. When the desire is triggered, then you seek sexual satisfaction, and in the sexual process, you become aroused.

Responsive desire, on the other hand, begins with arousal, which then becomes desire, which leads to a complete emotional and physical craving for sex that combines to lead you to seeking sexual satisfaction.

It’s common for women’s primary desire response to go from spontaneous to responsive after your teens and twenties. 

This means that when you get older, you need more stimulation and physical arousal before your emotional sexual desire triggers a deep craving for sex and sexual satisfaction. When you’re looking to boost female libido, you should consider whether you’re more commonly experiencing spontaneous desire or responsive desire. Although most women can experience both, in all likelihood, there is a desire pattern that generally describes your patterns better.

Causes for Lowered Libido

The reasons for low libido and female impotency can vary wildly from person to person, and are another key component in understanding how your libido is working (or not) for you. Lowered libido could be a result of hormonal, physical, or psychological factors. It could also be a result of combined factors from each category.

Hormonal Causes of Low Libido in Women

Temporary or permanent hormonal changes can both affect libido.

Hormonal factors in lowered libido can include normal menstrual fluctuations, as well as pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause. Female anorgasmia, or the lack of a female orgasm, is especially common for women going through perimenopause or post-menopause.

Temporary hormonal factors include increased progesterone during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The way progesterone interacts with and regulates estrogen can also have a limiting effect on libido.

Estrogen changes during menopause can also effect libido. When estrogen lowers, it can decrease serotonin and dopamine, which are essential for libido and desire. 

Testosterone, while famous for being a manly hormone, has the strongest effect on both male and female libido. Its levels can change over the course of a lifetime and also during hormonal fluctuations like menopause and pregnancy.

Physical Causes of Low Libido in Women

Outside of hormonal changes, there are other physical causes of low libido and dryness in women. 

Lack of exercise can diminish your energy and connection to your body, making it harder to feel desire or arousal. Exhaustion similarly lowers your energy so much it can feel difficult to find energy for anything but the bare necessities of life.

Chemical intervention in your body can also lower libido. This can include medication, cigarettes, excess alcohol or drug usage.

Psychological Causes of Low Libido in Women

Finally, psychological factors can loom large in libido.

Anxiety and depression can strongly affect libido for the negative, along with stress. Much like exhaustion, overwhelming psychological disorders can make it difficult to enjoy yourself. Depression can cause anhedonia, which is the lack of pleasure in things you used to enjoy. 

There are psychological issues that also plague us more commonly, like stress from work or home, or relationship challenges, that make it more difficult to desire and enjoy sex. Low self-esteem or feelings of body shame can also make sex feel less appealing.

Consequences of Lowered Libido

The consequences of lowered libido in women can reach beyond an unsatisfying sex life– not that a bad sex life is something any woman should settle for! 

Sexual dysfunction in women can lead to a reduced quality of life in a few ways, and it’s more common than it should be. Approximately 40% of women suffer from FSD (female sexual dysfunction).

Female anorgasmia (the distressing lack of female orgasm) can cause women to feel less interested in sex, leading to a vicious cycle that could have long-term effects.

Female sexual dysfunction has also been linked to cardiovascular diseases, much like ED in men has been linked to similar disorders. The cardiovascular diseases that can plague women with female sexual dysfunction include atherosclerosis, hypertension, and peripheral arterial disease. 

This means that a lowered libido may not only be breaking your heart– it could also be seriously harming it.

Natural Ways to Boost Libido for Women

The good news is that women who are committed to helping their libido have a variety of methods to choose from that will improve their sex life as well as their overall quality of life.

Exercise has been shown to help improve libido. If you’re not sure where to start, yoga may be a fast track to a more active libido– it’s been found that women over 45 who practice yoga are more orgasmic.

Other healthy avenues that may help improve a woman’s libido include ditching bad habits. Quit smoking cigarettes, consume less drugs and alcohol, and you just may find your libido creeping back up where your bad habits used to be.

Incorporating certain fruits into your diet could also be a libido booster. Figs, bananas, and avocados have been shown to increase blood flow to the genitals. Plus, they’re delicious!

It’s important to take care of yourself overall to boost female libido. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Prioritize your mental health and do what you can to avoid stress. Communicate with your partner and make sure that you’re giving yourself time, space, and energy to get aroused before sex.  

How to Increase Female Libido Instantly

Beyond taking care of your mind and body, there are some highly recommended medicinal libido boosters that can be a part of your how-to improve sexual health solution.

At Seven Cells, we believe in optimizing your life with every tool available. Whether for you that means dialling in a new self-care routine, or finding effective prescription libido solutions, we want every woman to have the satisfying sex life she deserves.

Seven Cells Euphoria

If you’re suffering from female sexual dysfunction, low libido, or female anorgasmia, Euphoria by Seven Cells could be just the game changing sexual enhancement drug that you’re looking for.

It’s a carefully designed compounded powder medication containing tadalafil (generic Cialis™), apomorphine, and oxytocin for triple the libido boost. Together, they work to improve blood flow, sensitivity, aid in lubrication, increase pleasure, and release endorphins for both biological and psychological arousal.

It’s an easy-to-take medication that kicks in quickly and lasts for hours of increased desire and arousal, for the incredible sex that you deserve.

Seven Cells Scream Cream

Women suffering from low libido and dryness could also try Scream Cream by Seven Cells. It’s all in the name, ladies!

This topical prescription medicine boasts generic Cialis™ as its active ingredient. When applied to the sensitive genital area, it will work quickly to boost blood flow, sensitivity, and lubrication. 

(Note: if you want to double up, talk to our insightful medical staff about using Euphoria and Scream cream together to exponentially intensify your experience.)

Boost your Libido Today for a Healthier, Happier Tomorrow

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for how to increase female libido instantly, but Euphoria by Seven Cells and Scream Cream by Seven Cells are a great place to start!

Female impotency should no longer be an overlooked, undervalued issue. It’s critical to quality of life and your health to have a satisfying sex life. These incredible medicines make it easier than ever to have the sex and orgasms of your most enticing dreams!

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