How to Get Rid of Oily Skin: Best Skincare Rituals

How to Get Rid of Oily Skin: Best Skincare Rituals

It’s time to stop searching for the best foundation for oily skin. Instead, you can find a skincare routine for oily skin that will help your skin heal, reduce breakouts, and minimize clogged pores, all while retaining the hydration your thirsty skin needs. Once your skin is gorgeous and glowing, you won’t even need a foundation!

We’ll explore the causes of oily skin– how much you can control and how much you can’t. (Hint: many of the factors are out of your control. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it!) 

The good news is that oily skin doesn’t have to be a life sentence. With an optimized, scientifically-backed skincare ritual using the best of science and natural botanicals, you’ll find the best moisturizer for oily skin, the best Vitamin C serum, and more.

Why is My Skin So Oily?

Before we discover how to create your ideal skincare routine for oily skin, it’s important to learn about the causes of oily skin. It’s not just pulling an unlucky ticket in the lottery.

Oily skin is caused by overactive sebaceous glands, when they produce an excess amount of an oily, waxy substance known as sebum. Sebum isn’t always a bad thing– it’s a naturally nourishing, moisturizing, and protectant part of your dermal biome.

But when your sebaceous glands get too sebum-happy, the oil can clog your pores and act as a waxy trap for other skin pollutants like dead epithelial cells, bacteria, and other impurities, leading to irritation and breakouts. Keep in mind that if you have combination skin, often presenting as both oily and dry (especially oily in t-zones with dry patches elsewhere), everything that applies for oily skin applies to the oily areas of your skin.

Causes of Oily Skin

A variety of factors can contribute to overactive sebaceous glands. Unfortunately, most of them are out of your hands. Fortunately, with a deeper understanding of how different skincare products interact with your dermal biome, you’ll be able to make better choices for your skin.


First up, genetics. If you have oily skin, odds are, so does at least a part of your family. That’s because genetics is the strongest determining factor in skin type, making it inseparable from oily skin concerns.

Pore Size

Pore size isn’t just a matter of blind luck– it’s determined by a variety of factors, including genetics. The larger the pores, the more likely your sebaceous glands are working overtime to keep your dermal layer protected with sebum.


It’s no secret that living somewhere hot and humid can make your face shiny. But it’s not just sweat making you glow a little too much. When exposed to heat, either humid or dry, your skin’s sebaceous glands may kick in to produce more sebum in order to protect your inner dermal layers from excess heat.


It’s more common for young people to have oily skin, but your sebaceous glands can be overactive at any point in your life. As we age, our collagen and protein production slows down, which can make our skin less oily-seeming, since there are less natural humectants in your dermis.

Current Skincare routine

Finally– a cause for oily skin that you can control! The best thing you can do for your oily or combination skin is to find a ritual that helps to balance your skin. When your skin is balanced and hydrated, your sebaceous glands are less inclined to produce extra oil. 

Once you discover the best face wash for oily skin, how to exfoliate oily skin, how to treat oily skin, and the best moisturizer for oily skin, your skin will become balanced and rejuvenated. After patience and consistency in an oily skin skincare routine, you wont need to find the best foundation for oily skin anymore!

How Can I Fix My Oily Skin?

The oily buildup can get so out of control that you could spend years figuring out exactly how to get rid of oily skin. The truth is, you don’t need to invest thousands of dollars and years of your life experimenting with complicated skincare routines for oily skin.

The best way to fix oily skin is to keep it simple, balanced, and clean, with ingredients that help your skin maintain normal sebum production, without drying it out.

Best Ingredients for Oily Skin

It’s always important to check your ingredients when building a new skincare regimen. Some active favorites for oily skin include salicylic acid, retinol, and niacinamide. When these actives are recommended by your dermatologist for your skin, it may be beneficial to supplement with clean naturals and safe daily-use ingredients. 

Sometimes, actives like these can have harsh side effects that may be counterintuitive to building the balanced dermal biome you’re looking for. 

Either way, you should consider building a holy grail skincare routine with proven, high quality ingredients that are gentle on your pores, and effective at balancing moisture and pH, to encourage normal sebum production.

Best Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

The best skincare routine for oily skin begins with clear, cleansed pores and a balanced dermal layer. The best face wash for oily skin is not a face wash at all, but a carefully applied routine that begins with an exfoliator.

Exfoliator for Oily Skin

When suffering from oily skin, people often believe that the more exfoliation, the better. They can also fall prey to the idea that their exfoliators for oily skin have to contain harsh scrubbing ingredients that thoroughly strip the top dermal layer.

In actuality, the exfoliation in your routine should occur 1-3 times per week. With a little bit of testing, you should be able to find a frequency that works for you. 

Exfoliation is important for removing dead skin cells and other impurities from your pores, but it doesn’t need to be a harsh chemical process. Instead, oily skin is better served by a gentle exfoliator that cleans pores without irritating them, and contains balancing ingredients that helps the skin maintain hydration so the sebaceous glands don’t overreact.

The Seven Cells Exfoliating Face Scrub is specially formulated with humectants along with sodium bicarbonate as a gentle, thorough exfoliator, leaving your pores clean and your dermal layer balanced.

Best Way to Clean Oily Skin

The best way to clean oily skin.

After incorporating exfoliation into your routine, the next step would be cleansing your skin in a way that removes impurities from your skin without drying it out. 

It might sound paradoxical, but the best face wash for oily skin is actually going to be an oil-based cleanser. Instead of stripping the skin, oil cleansers help to dislodge and remove impurities from the pores, while maintaining a moisture balance. By using an oil cleanser with nourishing ingredients and balancing botanicals will leave the skin clean and refreshed without irritating and inflaming the pores.

The Seven Cells Perfect 10 Oil Cleanser, lives up to its name by leaving your skin cleansed and refreshed for a 10/10 skin experience. Though oil-based, it is easily absorbed, even for people with oily or combination skin. It also contains an added antioxidant boost with Vitamin E to protect skin from free radicals and sun damage, making your pores happier than ever.

Surprisingly, oil-on-oil is a winning combination for oily and combination skin!

Treatment Serum for Oily Skin

An excellent and gentle daily treatment for oily skin is Vitamin C. This skin-boosting powerhouse is a go-to for skincare connoisseurs for its dermal biome balancing act. Vitamin C is a skin superhero with many exceptional qualities:

  • Anti-aging
  • Hyperpigmentation reduction
  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Skin tone evening

Conditioning your skin with Vitamin C is certain to leave your face glowing and gorgeous. Vitamin C serums are especially wonderful for oily and combination skin because it provides your skin with a strong and nourishing armor against sun damage, free radicals, and other oxidants. It also promotes the synthesis and stabilization of skin collagen and elastin, critical for keeping sebaceous glands from hyperactivity.

The Seven Cells CC Vitamin C Serum has extra skincare ingredients perfect for oily skin, including glycerin to act as a humectant. By adding a humectant to the serum, your dermal layer will receive continuous hydration throughout the day, discouraging excess sebum production. Citrus stem cells and carefully selected botanicals allow your skin to enjoy the benefits of Vitamin C in the most nourishing way possible.

Best Moisturizer for Oily Skin

While some people believe that oily skin means they don’t need to moisturize, the opposite is actually true. Adding an appropriate, clean, effective moisturizer to your oily skincare routine will help keep your skin in balance, and prevent excess sebum production.

The best moisturizer for oily skin is one that adds moisture without contributing to oil buildup, often accomplished with the careful use of humectants. Another thing to look for in moisturizers for oily skin is botanical and vitamin booster that provide treatment while they provide hydration.

The Seven Cells Hydrating Face Moisturizer is one such product. Not only does it contain powerful humectants, it also has Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, B5, and B6, hyaluronic acid, and Vitamin E. These powerful, high quality ingredients are carefully blended with botanicals for a perfect balance of hydration and nourishment that gives oily skin a clean, supple feeling.

Eye Gel for Oily Skin

People with oily skin often overlook the part of their face that doesn’t benefit from excess sebum production– the eyes. While the rest of the face has pores that generate sebum, the skin around your eyes benefits from a gel that lends hydration and treatment. Even with oily skin, you could suffer from the following:

  • Dark and puffy under-eyes
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Varicose veins
  • Oxidation and inflammation

But with the best eye gel for oily skin, you’ll add the finishing touch to a balanced and beautiful dermal biome. The Seven Cells Cucumber Eye Gel is designed with hyaluronic acid, aloe, glycerin, and Vitamin E work to hydrate and nourish, while cucumber, caffeine, and Vitamin K help clear up hemosiderin deposits (aka dark circles), reduce appearance of under-eye sagging, wrinkles, and puffiness, heal bruised-looking under-eye, and rejuvenate under-eye capillaries. They also maintain a concentration or matrix carboxyglutamic acid protein, responsible for skin elasticity, and reduction in wrinkle development.

Cucumber slices over the eyes are great for a relaxing spa day. But this eye gel puts the spa in the everyday, by adding a quick, easy, and effective slice of eye rejuvenation to your skincare for oily skin ritual.

Say Goodbye to Oily Skin

Now that you know how to get rid of oily skin, you can enjoy a new skin ritual– one that works with your body, rather than fighting against it.

Remember– your oily skin is a blessing. Active sebaceous glands will help pick up the slack when your skin starts to age, helping to maintain elasticity and a supple, healthful glow as you grow older. 

Instead of stripping your skin of natural oils to try to tame it, working with natural, scientific ingredients and a consistent, clean routine will help calm down oil and breakouts, while maintaining anti-aging benefits.

And right now, you can get the entire Seven Cells Skincare line in one easy, reduced-price bundle. Everything you need for beautiful, glowing, perfect skin.

So treat your oily skin with love and care, instead of frustration and irritation! Your skin will thank you, now and in the future!

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