Tips for Fighting Hair Loss 2022

Tips for Fighting Hair Loss 2022

We’ve sent men to the moon, but medical science still hasn’t found a balding cure. But that doesn’t mean that curing baldness, finding ways to regrow hair naturally in three weeks, and regaining your crowning glory are impossible. There are ways to fight hair loss, and in some cases, even regrow hair.

At Seven Cells, we believe hanging onto your hair is about more than vanity. It’s about retaining your masculine confidence, and putting your best foot forward in the world. 

So while there’s no complete cure, it’s possible to manage symptoms by stopping hair loss, strengthening the hair you have, and even growing back some or all of the hair that you thought was lost forever. Find out now how you can help prevent yourself from becoming a full-time “hat-guy.”

Why Do Some Men Go Bald? 

How much hair do you have? Are you afraid that your crowning glory is succumbing to male pattern baldness? You’re not alone. Up to half of men show signs of male pattern baldness (aka androgenetic alopecia) by the time they’re 50 years old.

With the state of hair loss 2022 being what it is, there is no balding cure that effectively and permanently attacks the root causes of male pattern baldness. However, what we do know about male pattern baldness has helped unlock the hair loss treatments that we use today. Basically, it comes down to two things: genetics, and the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Male Pattern Baldness

What’s the difference between male pattern baldness and normal hair loss?

Male pattern baldness is caused by the effects of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which is a  testosterone byproduct. It’s there to aid with important developmental processes throughout your life. Before you’re born, DHT helps to form male genitals. During puberty, it helps to develop male secondary sexual characteristics like an Adam’s apple, and increased body hair, facial, chest, and pubic hair.

Some people have genetic sensitivity to DHT that can cause hair follicles to weaken and gradually stop producing new hair. There’s a spectrum of DHT sensitivity, so that some men are not sensitive to it at all as they age, and suffer only minimal hair loss. But some men are much more sensitive to DHT, and can start searching for balding cures at a young age.

During male pattern baldness, the hairline typically goes first, resulting in a widow’s peak that keeps creeping up, or other signs of a receding hairline. The steady, patterned hair loss is what distinguishes male pattern baldness from other sorts of hair loss.

Non-Male Pattern Baldness

There are other types of abnormal and normal hair loss that can result from other life factors from men, and are not related to male pattern baldness. 

Stress, alopecia areata, or fungal infections can contribute to patchy or temporary hair loss, and would require different treatments than curing baldness from male pattern baldness. If your hair loss seems uneven, patchy, or random on your head, not in line with the typical patterns of male pattern baldness, you may want to first determine the route cause of the baldness and then treat that. 

However, if you and your medical provider are sure that your hair is being whisked away by male pattern baldness, there are some treatments that could help.

Best Topicals to Fight Hair Loss

There are oral medications that help act as balding cures and preventions, but there are good reasons to consider topical administration of hair loss medication.

For one thing, topical medications are associated with reduced side effects. It makes sense that by applying a medicine to the outside of your body, it’s less likely to disrupt your normal internal processes.

Another reason that men go for topical medications for hair loss is that they can really target the hair loss zones. With a topical, you have control over the exact areas in which you want to stop hair loss and boost growth. With oral medication, you may be casting a wider net.

Finally, topical medications can be carefully compounded for the amplification of each medicine. Sometimes mixing oral medications can be a bad idea because of their contraindications. But if a topical is correctly and carefully compounded, it can provide a plethora of benefits with minimal side effects.

When looking for a topical hair loss medication, it will serve you best to look for high-quality, prescription ingredients that have proven track records, versus unproven, over-the-counter serums that have no medical backing. Just like everything else in life, in hair loss medication, you get what you pay for. If you’re serious about restoring your crowning glory, you need to be serious about the ingredients and compounds you use to achieve your goals.

Without further ado, let’s jump into the best ingredients to help fight hair loss.

Finasteride for Hair Loss 

Finasteride is an FDA-approved medication to treat hair loss, and is available in both oral and topical form. It’s a prescription hair loss medication that reduces your body’s DHT. Lowering DHT levels can help block DHT-related damage.

Finasteride works by inhibiting 5-alpha-reductase, which is the enzyme responsible for creating DHT from your available testosterone. Without this enzyme, less DHT will be created from available testosterone in your body. When you have less DHT in your system, your hair follicles will be less susceptible to the damage that causes hair loss.

Finasteride is extremely effective. When taken in a normal dose, it can reduce levels of serum DHT in the body by up to 70 percent.

Minoxidil for Hair Loss 

Minoxidil is the generic name for Rogaine™, a long-trusted and FDA-approved name in hair loss prevention. It is formulated as a topical hair loss medication, typically in either a liquid or a foam. Minoxidil should be used long-term to maintain the desired results. 

It works by stimulating blood flow in your scalp and moving your hair follicles into an active state, for increased hair length and diameter in target areas. It also may induce arteriolar vasodilation, which stimulates microcirculation near hair follicles. When the follicles are properly stimulated, they may see increased hair growth. It may also help hair follicles delay their aging.

52% of men with hair loss saw hair regrowth improvements after using minoxidil over a period of a year.

Compounded Hair Virtue 

What’s better for curing baldness: finasteride or minoxidil? 

How about both?

94.1% of men who used both to treat hair loss for 12 months saw regrowth and reprieve from their symptoms of male pattern baldness.

When we set out to make hair loss solutions for men, we decided we wouldn’t settle for half measures. Not only is our compounded hair virtue made with top-quality finasteride and minoxidil, it contains a third, extra-special active ingredient that pushed it over the edge of other hair loss solutions available on the market today.

Along with finasteride to mitigate the negative effects of DHT, minoxidil to stimulate hair growth and prevent loss, our Compounded Hair Virtue also contains tadalafil, more commonly known as generic for Cialis™. 

Tadalafil is a PDE5 inhibitor and vasodilator. When applied topically, it can increase localized blood flow to stimulate hair growth. It can also help mitigate any reduction in libido caused by finasteride.  

Compounded Hair Virtue Plus 

When it comes to deciding what kind of hair loss medication you should be looking for, you may ask yourself this: how much hair do you have to lose? If you want to give your head the best chance at curing baldness by stopping hair loss and promoting regrowth, we have developed a compound that takes our already astonishing Compounded Hair Virtue to the next level.

We’ve taken our original extraordinary compound, and added two more powerhouse active ingredients to create Compounded Hair Virtue Plus.

First, we’ve added retinol. While known as more of a skincare ingredient, retinol can improve scalp circulation, exfoliate dead skin cells from the surface of the scalp, ease scalp inflammation, encourage the formation of new blood vessels in the scalp, promote dermal thickening which can strengthen hair follicles’ matrix, and even block the effects of hormones like DHT that lead to thinning hair.  

The second booster ingredient is caffeine. It’s more than a cup of coffee! It’s found to be perfect for hair follicle delivery, and provides many hair-enhancing benefits. It stimulates cell metabolism to promote hair follicle formation and counteracts negative hormonal effects. Overall, it can lead to reduced hair loss, as well as improved growth, fullness, and thickness.

Stop Hair Loss 2022, Save Your Confidence

While there is no permanent balding cure right now, there are ways to prevent hair loss and even regrow what you thought was gone forever. 

It’s unlikely that you can regrow hair naturally in 3 weeks without some major intervention, but our top-quality compounds can give your head of hair a new lease on life, without major side effects.

If you’re considering a drastic transplant surgery, or even just becoming a full-time hat guy, ask yourself a couple of questions.

How much hair do you have?

How much hair do you want to have?

If there’s a gap, you should consider becoming proactive about your crowning glory. It’s not just hair– it’s your masculine confidence and vitality. If you’d do anything to protect it, learn more today about:

Compounded Hair Virtue


Compounded Hair Virtue Plus

Remember, prescription hair loss compounds with proven, premium ingredients are the best way to go if you really want to fight hair loss. Picking up a serum at Walmart that promises the world will only get you so far. If you’re serious about fighting hair loss, you need serious weapons in your arsenal. 

Our prescription hair loss compounds are created with the highest quality ingredients available, rigorously vetted before we offer them. Our prescribers are ready to help you begin your hair growth journey the second you’re ready to reclaim your hair and your vitality.

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